Technical Analysis Scientific Work

of Peter Stallinga

University of The Algarve

updated: August 2011



1. Academic activity
2. Pedagogic activity
3. Technical analysis scientific production (current)

The full list of papers can be found in the pdf doucment LoP.pdf

Most of them can also be found in the search engine Web of Knowledge. Putting the search criterion "stallinga p" will give 57 results, 56 of which are mine (only the last one, from 1980 is not from my hand. However, this is irrelevant in this analysis since that one is cited only twice). The result of such a search can be found in the file WoK.pdf. In the current document, a 'WoK-n' refers to record number n in that WoK document.

A H-index summary report from this same Web of Knowledge can be found in document WoK-H.pdf. The main image is shown here below:
H-index Peter Stallinga

Comments to List of Publications (LoP), H-Index and Citation Index Study by Web of Knowledge (WoK)

  • All these indexes – Publication List, Citation Index, H-Index, etc. – are all silly. Even without comparing to other people, my own work is erroneously evaluated. Scientifically my best contribution is probably the metal transistor (WoK-6: Advanced Materials vol. 20, p. 2120, yr. 2008), yet, one of the least cited (one time only), even if it possibly can revolutionize industry (The End of Semiconductors!). Or the paper that closed a decade-standing discussion on the origin of the most common center in III-V semiconductors, the anti-site (WoK-41: Phys. Rev. B vol. 57, p. R4214, yr 1998). Obviously, after closing the discussion, nobody enters the field anymore and no citations are accumulated (2 in total). The most cited work is the one on threshold voltage shifts (WoK-27: Applied Physics Letters vol. 84, p. 3184, yr. 2004), yet it is a press-the-buttons, messageless, summary-of-measurements publication and is up to now cited already 93 times. That is the result of our Facebook “Like” culture. Social networks instead of scientific culture. Publish half-finished work, hoping that somebody will add some %'s and publish again.
    As I always say: "Imagine, how would Einstein do in modern times?!"
  • In the Web-of-Knowledge summary it is clearly visible that my citations are dropping in the last years. That is because most effort was spent on writing three books: 1) Electrical Characterization of Organic Electronic Materials and Devices, Wiley 2009, 2) De Mythe Van Klimaatsveranderingen, Lulu 2010 and 3) Electronic Instrumentation (work in progress, probably Wiley). These are not 'citeable' items and do not enter the H-index. Yet, worth to mention that several hundreds of copies of the first book have been sold up to date.
  • The most prestigious work is the one that ended in Nature Photonics (Impact Factor 25; Nature Photonics vol. 2, p. 105, yr. 2008). Worth to mention that I was not a mere co-author, catching the train during a sabbatical visit to The University of Amsterdam (UvA). I was the author of the work (up to the last version, which was submitted by the research group leader of UvA in my physical absence) and main analyzer. The research idea is theirs, however (for that I cannot claim credit). It reaches a high citation index because of the relevancy to Renewable Energies.
    The work received a lot of national and international attention because it addresses a society-relevant issue. Interviews on national TV (TVI, Edição da Noite) and various interviews for journals, newspapers and radio stations.
  • The metal transistor was also mentioned in a Research Highlight in Nature Asia Materials (6 August 2008), adding to the prestige of being published in a high-impact-factor journal, Advanced Materials (I.F. then 9.1). This was also reason for a interviews on TV (TVI), various radio stations and paper media. This because it is not a mere change of material (for the active layer, or for the insulator, such as the paper transistor which receives quite a lot of attention in Portugal), but it is the incubation of a totally new technology, namely electronics without semiconductors.
  • The most society-relevant result, however, was the publication of the book "De Mythe van Klimaatsveranderingen" (Lulu, 2010) which was the result of decades of independent research on climate and climate changes, completely independent of any financial sources and as such one of the few unbiased works on the subject existing in the world. The conclusion of the research is that there are no man-made climate changes and fanatically presisting in the religious beliefs will cause billions of people to suffer in the world. Of course, this is of extreme relevance to society. In no modern science parameter (and modern-science parameter), however, this relevance or importance is represented.

Thus I arrive at the following conclusions:

Top publications

I) In terms of prestige:

WoK-11 "Space-separated quantum cutting with Si nanocrystals for photovoltaic applications", D. Timmerman, I. Izeddin, P. Stallinga, I.N. Yassievich, T. Gregorkiewicz, Nature Photonics 2, 105 (2008) IF 25
Monograph: "Electrical Characterization of Organic Electronic Materials and Devices", Peter Stallinga, (Wiley 2009)
not on WoK
"Electronic transport in organic materials. Comparison of Band Theory with Percolation/(Variable Range) Hopping Theory", Peter Stallinga, Advanced Materials 23, 3356 (2011) IF 11, mono-author
"Metal-insulator-metal transistor", P. Stallinga, V.A.L. Roy, Z.-X. Xu, C.-M. Che, Advanced Materials 20, 2120 (2008) IF 9
WoK-55 "Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Molecular Hydrogen in Silicon", P. Stallinga, T. Gregorkiewicz, C.A.J. Ammerlaan, and Yu.V. Gorelkinskii, Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 117 (1993) IF 7

II) In terms of scientific significance:

WoK-6 "Metal-insulator-metal transistor", P. Stallinga, V.A.L. Roy, Z.-X. Xu, C.-M. Che, Advanced Materials 20, 2120 (2008) Revolutionary idea
Innovation of the year Asia
Nature Asia Materials Research Highlight
"Metal contacts in thin-film transistors", P. Stallinga, H.L. Gomes, Org. Electr. 8, 300 (2007) Revolutionary idea
Monograph: "Electrical Characterization of Organic Electronic Materials and Devices", Peter Stallinga, (Wiley 2009) A completely worked out model
"Electronic transport in organic materials. Comparison of Band Theory with Percolation/(Variable Range) Hopping Theory", Peter Stallinga, Advanced Materials 23, 3356 (2011) Extremely controversial
"Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Molecular Hydrogen in Silicon", P. Stallinga, T. Gregorkiewicz, C.A.J. Ammerlaan, and Yu.V. Gorelkinskii, Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 117 (1993) H2 in Si

III) In terms of citations:

"Bias-Induced threshold voltages shift in thin-film organic transistors", H.L. Gomes, P. Stallinga, F. Dinelli, M. Murgia, F. Biscarini, D.M. De Leeuw, T. Muck, J. Geurts, L.W. Molenkamp, V. Wagner, Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 3184 (2004) CI: 93
"Tetracene-based organic light-emitting transistors: optoelectronic properties and electron injection mechanism", C. Santato, R. Capelli, M.A. Loi, M. Murgia, F. Cicoira, V.A.L. Roy, P. Stallinga, R. Zamboni, C. Rost, S.F. Karg, and M. Muccini, Synthetic Metals 146, 329 (2004) CI: 56
WoK-11 "Space-separated quantum cutting with Si nanocrystals for photovoltaic applications", D. Timmerman, I. Izeddin, P. Stallinga, I.N. Yassievich, T. Gregorkiewicz, Nature Photonics 2, 105 (2008) CI: 55
"Identification of the Silicon Vacancy Containing a Single Hydrogen Atom by EPR", B.B. Nielsen, P. Johannesen, P. Stallinga, K.B. Nielsen, and J.R. Byberg, Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 1507 (1997) CI: 51
"Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Study of Hydrogen-Vacancy Defects in Crystalline Silicon", P. Stallinga, P. Johannesen, S. Herstrøm, K. Bonde Nielsen, B. Bech Nielsen, and J. R. Byberg, Phys. Rev. B 58, 3842
CI: 46

IV) In terms of relevance for the current application (Prof. Assoc. Electronics, UAlg):

Since I am already working in the area of Electronics at the University of The Algarve, all publications since approximately 1998 are relevant for the current application of Professor Associado at UAlg.

"Modelling electrical characteristics of thin-film field-effect transistors. I: Trap-free materials.", P. Stallinga, H.L. Gomes, Synthetic Metals 156, 1305 (2006) Basic presentation of "Algarve TFT model"
"Modelling electrical characteristics of thin-film field-effect transistors. II: Effects of traps and impurities.", P. Stallinga, H.L. Gomes, Synthetic Metals 156, 1316 (2006). Basic presentation of "Algarve TFT model" paper
"Influence of electrolytes in the QCM response: Discrimination and quantification of the interference to correct microgravimetric data.", João M. Encarnação, Peter Stallinga, Guilherme N.M. Ferreira, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 22, 1351 (2007). If the department wants to change course. Overlap of Electronics & Biochemistry
Monograph: "Electrical Characterization of Organic Electronic Materials and Devices", Peter Stallinga, (Wiley, 2009) Summary of UAlg research
Monograph: "Electronic Instrumentation" (Wiley, 2012), Peter Stallinga, work in progress
Although "work in progress", of high relevance for UAlg lectures

V) In terms of relevance for society:

Monograph: "De Mythe van Klimaatsveranderingen (Dutch. The Myth of Climate Changes)", Peter Stallinga, Lulu (2010). ISBN: 978-1-4461-3493-1 Antropogenic Global Warming is false
WoK-11 "Space-separated quantum cutting with Si nanocrystals for photovoltaic applications", D. Timmerman, I. Izeddin, P. Stallinga, I.N. Yassievich, T. Gregorkiewicz, Nature Photonics 2, 105 (2008) Possibly increasing energy efficiency.
Interviews on all media
WoK-6 "Metal-insulator-metal transistor", P. Stallinga, V.A.L. Roy, Z.-X. Xu, C.-M. Che, Advanced Materials 20, 2120 (2008) Electronics without semiconductors.
Interviews on all media
"Cause and effect of global temperature and atmospheric carbon-dioxide", P. Stallinga, I. Khmelinskii, submitted (2011).

CO2 is effect of temperature changes and not their cause

Monograph: "Electronic Instrumentation" (Wiley, 2012), Peter Stallinga, work in progress Industry and Academy

Faro, August 2011
e-mail at pjotr