Lecture 11: Modular Programming I:


Until now we have only used the things that were supplied by C. We have learned how to write loops (for, while, do-while), how to have input and output (scanf, and printf), how to control the flow of the program (if, if-else, switch), how to declare variables, how to assign values to constants (=) and how to calculate, even up to complicated Boolean algebra, but we have never invented anything NEW. With Functions we can do exactly that.
We already met a couple of functions which are standard in C, namely printf, e scanf. Now we will define our own functions.

Functions are small subprograms or modules of the main program. Each of theses modules performs a certain task. This helps to organize the program and make it more logic and can also increase the programming efficiency by avoiding repetitions of parts of the program. Moreover, functions allow for easy copying of parts of the code for other programs.


Modules (functions) can have input and/or output. In this case, input means accepting parameters, while output means returning a value. Note that, regardless of the fact if the functions accepts input parameters, the function always has parenthesis, both in the declaration as in the function call, as we will see later. This is to distinguish functions from variables.

abort() srand()
rand() sqrt()
abort() stops the program, rand() returns a random value, srand() initializes the random-number generator, sqrt() returns the square root of the argument.
This is the main difference between functions we know from mathematics and functions from C. In mathematics, every function has input (the argument) and output (the function value). For example
   f(x) = x2 -1
with x the input and f(x) the output. While in C, we can have functions with and without input and output. Therefore, the more genaral name for functions is "procedures", "(sub)routines", or "modules".

Functions are like programs-within-programs. They A prototype of the declaration of a function:
 type functionname(type <parameters>)
   type <variables>;


output (type, void, return)

The type of the value the function will return has to be specified at the declaration of the function. For example
  int countnumber();
will mean that the function will return a value of the type int.

Somewhere in the function we must return a value to the calling program. We do this with the return statement
  return (<value>);
for example
  return (3);

When want that the function doesn't return anything, we can specify this with the word void:
  void showresult();
will not return anything. Therefore, functions of type void don't need the return statement.

Note: in some compilers the type declaration of the value to return is optional. In some compilers, the absence of the type declaration signifies that the function is of type int, while in others it signifies void. To add to the confusion, omitting a return statement is in some compilers an error, while in others it is not.
Therefore: stick to the conventions of standard ANSI C above and write compiler-independent programs!


In fact, main is nothing more than a normal function, with the only difference that the program always starts with the first instruction of this function main. Otherwise it follows the same rules of functions described above. Technically speaking, we either have to specify the type as void or return something at the end of our program.
void main()
int main()
 return (0);


The place to declare our own fucntions is before the function main. If we declare them after the function main we will not be able to use them inside main because the compiler does not know them yet when it arrives at compiling main. A function can only call other functions that have been declared (in some way) before.

funny dude calling with big horn


After declaring a new function, we can use it in the main program. This is called calling the function. We do this by writing the name of the function. As a complete example of a program with a single module (function) without input parameters or output (void):

program code

#include <stdio.h>

void module1()
  int y;

  printf("Now I am entering Procedure Module1\n");
  printf("Give a value for y\n");
  scanf("%d", &y);
  printf("%d", 3*y);
// Type of function is void. 
// No need to return anything.

void main()
// The program starts at the first instruction
// of function main:
  printf("Starting the program\n");
// now our function will be called:
  printf("Ending the program\n");


Starting the program
Now I am entering Procedure Module1
Give a value for y:
Ending the program

main calling a function
A program calling one of
its functions

As seen above, at the end of the function, the program continues with the instruction immediately after the function call. In this case, after module1() has finished, it will execute printf("Ending the program\n");

two funny dudes calling

Functions calling functions

Functions can also be called by other procedures or functions. Under normal circumstances, in C these procedures have to be declared after the procedure to be called, though. Take a good look at the following program and the output it generates when run:
program code

# include <stdio.h>

void module1()
  printf("    inside module 1\n");
  printf("    Hello World\n");
  printf("    leaving module 1\n");

void module2()
  printf("  inside module 2\n");
  printf("  calling module 1\n");
  printf("  back in module 2\n");
  printf("  leaving module 2\n");

void main()
  printf("starting the program\n");
  printf("calling module 2\n");
  printf("back in main\n");
  printf("ending program");


starting the program
calling module 2
  inside module 2
  calling module 1
    inside module 1
    Hello World
    leaving module 1
  back in module 2
  leaving module 2
back in main
ending program

functions calling functions
A program calling one of its functions
which, in turn, is calling one other function

Note that forward function calls, like in the above example a call from module1() to module2(), are not allowed under normal circumstances. main can call module1() and module2(), module2() can call module1() and module1() can call nothing.

Quick test:

To test your knowledge of what you have learned in this lesson, click here for an on-line test.

Peter Stallinga. Universidade do Algarve, 5 November 2002