/* DATA DESCRIPTION: Citation: Siegenthaler, U et al. (2005): EPICA Dome C carbon dioxide concentrations from 423 to 391 kyr BP. Laboratoire de Glaciologie et Géophysique de l`Environnement, Saint Martin, doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.472482, In Supplement to: Siegenthaler, Urs; Stocker, Thomas F; Monnin, Eric; Lüthi, Dieter; Schwander, Jakob; Stauffer, Bernhard; Raynaud, Dominique; Barnola, Jean-Marc; Fischer, Hubertus; Masson-Delmotte, Valerie; Jouzel, Jean (2005): Stable carbon cycle - Climate relationship during the Late Pleistocene. Science, 310(5752), 1313-1317, doi:10.1126/science.1120130 Project(s): European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA) (URI: http://www.esf.org/activities/research-networking-programmes/life-earth-and-environmental-sciences-lesc/completed-esf-research-networking-programmes-in-life-earth-and-environmental-sciences/european-project-for-ice-coring-in-antarctica-epica-page-1.html) Coverage: WEST: 123.3500 * EAST: 123.3500 * SOUTH: -75.1000 * NORTH: -75.1000 MINIMUM DEPTH, ice/snow: 2700.8 m * MAXIMUM DEPTH, ice/snow: 2784.4 m Event(s): EDC99 * LATITUDE: -75.1000 * LONGITUDE: 123.3500 * ELEVATION: 3233.0 m * CAMPAIGN: Dome C * DEVICE: Drilling Parameter(s): DEPTH, ice/snow [m] (Depth ice/snow) * Geocode Gas age [ka BP] (Gas age) * PI: Stocker, Thomas F (eMail: stocker@climate.unibe.ch) * COMMENT: based on EDC2 timescale Carbon dioxide [ppmv] (CO2) * PI: Stocker, Thomas F (eMail: stocker@climate.unibe.ch) * METHOD: Gas chromatography * COMMENT: measurement accuracy: +/- 3 ppmv Size: 62 data points */ Depth ice/snow [m] Gas age [ka BP] CO2 [ppmv] 2700.77 391.217 259.5 2702.97 392.312 273.6 2705.17 393.318 260.7 2713.97 396.432 276.3 2718.37 398.515 277.1 2720.57 399.315 283.2 2724.97 400.878 283.1 2727.17 401.622 275.7 2731.57 402.740 276.5 2733.77 403.840 280.5 2738.17 405.288 279.6 2740.37 406.000 285.6 2744.77 407.420 284.5 2746.97 407.820 275.2 2746.97 407.820 274.2 2749.17 408.900 282.6 2751.37 409.970 283.5 2755.77 411.235 274.9 2757.97 412.060 264.9 2760.17 412.900 271.6 2762.37 413.800 276.2 2764.57 414.618 268.5 2766.77 415.478 277.7 2768.97 416.300 273.3 2771.17 417.200 268.9 2775.57 419.170 276.6 2775.57 419.170 274.3 2777.77 420.210 270.9 2779.97 421.207 273.7 2782.17 422.075 257.7 2784.37 423.050 254.1